About Me

Hi, I’m AJ, a Materials & Corrosion Engineer (hence TheRustGeek), Recovering (Spiritual) Prodigal, Enneagram 5INTJ and Liverpool FC fan, in no particular order. For worth its worth, I find myself increasingly drawn to to the Parable of the Prodigal Son, my connecting being in two dimensions; one of faith and a continuing struggle in that aspect and that of being in a far country, twice removed.

RustGeeking apart, I find myself increasingly fascinated by Complex Systems, particularly the adaptive sort, risk/ risk management and how data science and analytics tools can be deployed successfully in the physical asset integrity management space which most of my work to date has been in. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning is also an area I am keenly interested in, particularly from the perspectives of future proofing myself as a knowledge economist from the "scourge" of Large Language Models. I firmly believe that Graph Theory and its Network Science sub-domain is a fundamental paradigm through which to understand the world. Since falling into the used Thinkpad rabbit hole in 2019, I have primarily run Linux (currently Fedora) on Thinkpads rescued from eBay.

Thanks to a Mum who had a significant library of literary classics from Shakespeare to Soyinka, I found books and the escape they can provide. I fancy trying my hand at writing – creative non-fiction and poetry being the primary genres I delve into here.

Most of what I write on here will be banal, mundane, navel gazing stuff but I hope that once in a while something profound will rise to the fore as I use this as a space to write and therefore think.

Go on, don’t be scared, drop in and hi